
Showing posts from March, 2019

3.17.19~To The Nations.

Last night as we prepared to leave the first ever Green Light Conference, at Wallace, I heard the famous, "You are sent to Knoxville and the nations," with a unanimous clap. That rang through the head the rest of the night. "Knoxville and the nations." The whole point of the Green Light Conference,   was to be a mission conference. Green means go, right? Sometimes going isn't my first choice. I often times find myself not wanting to go to the grocery store or  to a social function of whatever sort. But, green means go. If you tie that phrase into a missions conference, its plain and simple...GO. The last commandment that Christ ever gave, before He left this earth, not to return until the resurrection of believers, was to go. Matthew 28:19-20 says, "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am wi...

3.5.19~Untainted Worship(Youth Sunday Lesson)

This Sunday, February 24, was scheduled to be our Youth Sunday at church! A lot of us were involved in it, and we were nervous, but also excited!! Unfortunately, the flood waters of East TN stopped that plan. It has been moved to next Sunday but I volunteered to teach the "Young Married Couples" class for Sunday School. "Young Married Couples" is the majority of the youth student's parents. It's the class that everyone gets scared to teach, simply because it is our parents. We feel like they are very rich in Biblical knowledge, so we tend to feel like what we have to say is not going to be important or new to them. As that thought continued to roll over my brain, God very sternly spoke to me and said, "Izzy, if I am leading you to teach them and I am giving you the words to speak, I will move and change hearts as I see fit." Therefore, I shut up about being scared and decided to let Him handle it. I've been doing the Bible plan, "Untainte...