12:7:18~Hi, I'm Izzy and this is me...

Hi, I'm Izzy and this is how I'm documenting my journeys in life. I wanted to document and share my life from right now until I decide to move on. I'll document and share big announcements and small ones too! Most of you know me, but I want to share a little about myself just to get things started.
So my name is Izzy. I'm 16 years old and I'm finishing up the first semester of my junior year of high school. I am currently singing and playing keys for our worship band at church. I've come to find music as passion and see myself involved in it long term. I have many dreams and goals in my music but I'll share some of those in a later post.
I currently have a Youtube channel that is only a month or so old. I'm enjoying making videos for it and just sharing who I am with the rest of the world. Maybe someday I'll be someone up and coming in the Youtube world but that decision is up to the Lord and my viewers.
As I mentioned church earlier, it is probably the perfect time to mention my faith and who it makes me. I am a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ. I fully believe He lived a perfect life on this earth, shed His own blood to cover my sins and the sins of the world, and then rose from the grave on the third day, defeating death and conquering sin and the enemy forever. I have chosen to live my life for Him continuously and I think my mission on this earth to know Him and make Him known.
I currently enjoy things such as makeup, hair, fashion, music, sports, writing, and Youtube, just as any high school girl does!
When I finish high school in just about a year and a half, I plan to go to college and further my education in music and nursing. I've known since I was 13 that God has called me to be a worship leader in some form or fashion. For me, that could mean serving as head of a worship band at a church, serving as head of a student band, being music leader, or simply just singing on a worship team. I consider myself a worship leader now in the sense that I have been privileged enough to lead Sunday morning worship with a team of friends, as we all work together to lead in a way that brings worship into the atmosphere.
I've also more recently come to a realization that I think I would enjoy emergency medicine. So as of right now, I have plans to become an RN in emergency management, with hopes to work as a paramedic or ER trauma nurse.
I also love being involved with young kids and middle and high school students. As I go into college, I want to be involved with a local church in their middle and high school student ministries. I serve with young kids now at my church and wouldn't have it any other way. From newborns to kindergarten are completely my forte. I think they are interesting as they just start to soak up all they can about the world and they decide their own perspectives.
I can not wait to share my goals, hopes, dreams, and perspectives with you all as I continue this blog. I'm here to be really honest and raw. This is my life, my story, and my journey. Things will be rocky sometimes and smooth at others, but here we go.



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