12:17:18~Looking Ahead To 2019

I'm a planner. I always have been and I probably always will be. I am not very good at being super fluid and spontaneous. I like to have a plan and I take pride in being prepared according to that plan. I mean, I probably have 30% of my life or so planned out on Pinterest. :) Recently, I have come to learn that life does not always go according to plan. Lets be real, it doesn't go according to plan more often than it does.
I had all kinds of plans to graduate early and move on with life quickly, but thanks to God stepping in and using some people in my life to advise me differently, those plans have changed.
Sometimes it's not just life that doesn't go according to MY plans. Sometimes, okay...99% of the time, God has different plans that are way better than my little brain and imagine or comprehend. Whether or not I am frustrated with them at that time, does not change how perfect of plans they are. Me graduating early is just one small example of God using other people to show me that He has different plans than mine. In Isaiah 55:8-9, the Father says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord, "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts."
As I look ahead into 2019, I begin to plan. I'm already planning for New Years and seeing friends and family. But I stopped for just a few minutes and decided that I wanted to look ahead into 2019 with plans that will bring the most out of my year. I want 2019 to be better than this year. I want 2019 to be a year that I grow closer to God and learn His will for my life more and how I can better serve Him. 2019 brings 365 new days; with 365 new chances. 52 new weeks. and countless opportunities for new joy and new peace.
So the following are just some new thoughts for the upcoming year:

Be intentional to...
-follow less, lead more
-speak less, listen more
-complain less, appreciate more
-worry less, surrender more
-criticize less, encourage more
-fear less, trust more
-plan less, act more
-take less, give more

Words To Live By...
-be brave. always.
-live for Jesus. and only Jesus.
-the happiest girls, are the prettiest girls.
-go the extra mile, even when it is harder.
-breathe in. breathe out. let go. move on.
-take time for your family. life moves quick.

One thing I want to focus on more this next year as well is worrying and fearing less. I want to trust God more. Surrender things to Him first and put things in His hands, before taking matters into my own. I saw something while surfing Pinterest (yea, my life is planned out on there too haha!) but it said, "Worry is lethal to thriving because it's a failure to be fully present. Worrying about something means you're there, not here-- stuck ruminating on the future, not enjoying the present. Jesus teaches us to be fully present in this moment, not missing a thing right here, right now."
I love that quote, because all too often I get caught up worrying about things happening tomorrow and I don't enjoy the things I should be doing right now.
In my "The Me You Don't Normally See" post, I talked about an anxiety attack I had before a football game with my best friend and his family. That was a perfect example of me worrying about everything in the future instead of enjoying the moment I was in with my friends.
I don't want to find myself sick and worried and exhausted everyday this next year. I want to find myself enjoying the moments I'm in and the people I'm with.
Now don't get me wrong, I am going to prepare for things that need preparation. I am not going to be so wrapped up in the moment that I cause myself other issues, but I want to say "hey mom, I need help with my anxiety," a whole lot less.
These are just some thoughts I've been thinking.

love always,



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