1.14.19~Just For Fun!

So, I saw this really cute blog/journal post on Pinterest earlier and decided it would make a super fun post for today! It's simply just some questions about the new year, myself, and what the year at a glance looks like. I did leave out some of the questions because I thought they were boring or I didn't feel like they were something important. I hope you enjoy!!

January 2019

1. What was your first meal of the year? 

My first meal of 2019 was a frozen Udi's gluten free lasagna. I didn't eat breakfast that day, was starving, and wasn't willing to wait until dinner to have Hoppin' John. At least I started my 2019 with one of my favorite meals! :)

2. Choose a word for this year and explain why.

I think my word for the year is going to be two words. I think they will be "freedom" and "conquer." I chose freedom, because I want to be free in Christ this year, and experience all that it has to offer. Being free from the chains of anxiety, insecurity, fear, worry, what others think of me, etc.
I chose conquer, because I want to conquer those things, as well. The only way I can conquer any of those things is by experiencing the freedom that Christ has to offer, and laying it all down for Him to handle for me. I can't actually conquer any of it.

3. This time next year I will be...

This time next year, I will most likely be a new high school graduate. I will also most likely be moving back to Knox and living with family, while going to community college. It's extremely exciting to think about, but also very crazy. Right now, it seems so far away, but it is actually so much closer than I realize. I am extremely excited to finish high school and start college, but I am also sad to leave my family and move on.

4. Make one tangible goal that you can accomplish in the week ahead. 

One thing that I want to accomplish this week, is working out every day this week. It is Monday, and I did not workout today, but I am hoping to achieve this from tomorrow until next Tuesday. I want to start working out, at least three times a week, just to be healthier and get really fit for the summer time.

5. Describe yourself in four words. 

outgoing. bubbly. excited. ready.

6. Write down ten things you're thankful for right now. 

1.) I'm thankful for opportunities to experience and lead worship. Well, Jesus in general 2.) I'm thankful for my family and my friends who are like family. 3.) I'm thankful that I am fairly healthy right now. 4.) I am thankful for the people who helped make me who I am today. 5.) I'm thankful for warm cozy blankets 6.) I'm thankful for the sense of security I find in certain people. The people who make me feel like I'm at home and safe. Even if I am not actually home. 7.) I am thankful for music. 8.) I am thankful for the ability to sing and play instruments. 9.) I am thankful for this blog and the ways it has helped me! 10.) I am thankful for essential oils, to be completely honest.

7. What have you accomplished so far this month?

So far this month, I have accomplished just being a happier person over all and spending more time with my family and friends. I have accomplished having less anxiety attacks and handling them much, much, better when they do come about. I think I have also accomplished being more patient and understanding this month. So I am definitely excited to see how I grow in 2019!!

8. Write down three words to describe this month for you. (Expand on it, if you'd like.)

fresh. new. exciting.

9. What is something you achieved last year that you are proud of?

Last year, I learned how to be okay with the places that life takes me and how to handle it, when I don't like it. I'm proud of myself for learning that and growing in that way.

10. Make a list of your five favorite songs right now.

Rescue by Lauren Daigle
Not Afriad by Jesus Culture/Kim Walker Smith
Red Letters by Crowder
Good Grace by Hillsong United
Pieces by Amanda Cook

11. Describe who you hope to be (your future self, if you will) in four words.

successful. loving. strong. bold.

12.  Describe your significant other or best friend in four words. 

In my case, my significant other is my best friend and actually has been for a long time. The four words I would use to describe him would be:

Godly. kind. loyal. loving.

13. What is your favorite smell and why? 

I honestly I have so many favorite smells. I love the smell of mulling spice or anything apple cinnamon. It's just a warm, cozy, and homey smell. I also just love the smells that remind of different things from my life.

I hope you all enjoyed this post! Love you guys!

love always,



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