1.17.19~It's All Part Of The Journey.

When I created this blog, I called my journey, because that's exactly what I wanted it to be. I wanted a place where I could write and share my heart, but also document the journey that I am on in life. There's ups and downs to life and I wanted to share those and hopefully help someone else. So this is a tough part of my life right now, but regardless, it's all part of the journey.

Lately in the Henderson house, things have been a bit overwhelming. From back at Halloween until right about now, things are consistently busy and fun around our house, due to the holidays. But since Christmas, things have been busy, but not necessarily for the best reasons. My family lost my great uncle the day after Christmas and just recently got back from spending some time in California with our family. My mom hasn't been feeling her best again, due to some health issues that have been present for a while, and found out she will be facing another surgery before long. As if that wasn't a big enough blow, the enemy decided he needed to through a few more things into the fire for us to deal with. My Mamaw has been battling some health issues as well, and just cannot seem to get better. Back and forth to the doctor over and over again was frustrating for her and scary for the rest of us. Then yesterday, my dad's truck messed up and we found out that it was going to have to be fixed.
Now, I know all this sounds like "adult problems," and I just need to sit back and relax, but it's not that easy for me. I am a worrier, always have been. I don't care who it is or what is is, if you're close to me, I probably worry about you. I don't know anything different than worrying. Yet, at the beginning of the year, I asked God to help me conquer my fear and worry, and when you ask God to do something like that, you better be ready for Him to do it. It will not be easy and chances are, it won't be fun. He's gonna work hard at breaking that part of you down, to build you back up, and the enemy will work just as hard to knock you down and keep you there. So yesterday, as I was stressing over every little thing, I began to sing For King And Country's "It's Not Over Yet." 
The lyrics to the song say, "Oh to everyone who's hit their limit, it's not over yet, it's not over yet. And even when you think you're finished, it's not over yet, it's not over yet. Keep on fighting, out of the dark into the light. It's not over, hope is rising, never given in, never give up, it's not yet." And those words hit deep.
I just kind of continued on with my day and decided to turn on some worship music and spend some time with Jesus yesterday afternoon. I just sat down on my bed and just poured my heart out to Him about everything that was bothering me, and He simply just stopped my heart and said, "Fear not child." I quickly realized that "fear not," isn't a suggestion from Jesus...it's a command. He doesn't say, "If you feel like, don't fear." No, He says, "DO NOT FEAR." So often, I find myself unintentionally disobeying this. I let life get the best of me and I worry. As I try to conquer my habit of worrying, I have to stop and ask, "Why am I letting fear speak? What authority does it have?" Last time I checked, the only thing in my life that should have ultimate authority in these situations is Jesus.

Last night when someone asked me how I was doing, I couldn't help but want to cry, as I explained that I am immensely overwhelmed right now. Things seem to be going crazy, and life doesn't seem to be falling into place at all. If anything, it seems that someone is taking the puzzle apart the moment I find the right piece for it. Somehow I still know, it 's all part of the journey. I have no reason to believe that the Lord is going to fail me. He never has. He promises He never will.

I'm immensely thankful for the people who have stepped up and said, "Hey, we're here for you. If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to let us know." You all make the crazy times a lot easier. I love you all.

Fear not. He has redeemed us. He has called us by name. We are His.

love always,



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