12:12:18~My Biggest Dreams for My Music Future:

So back in my "getting to know" me post, I talked a little about who I am and how I want to pursue music more in the future. So, I decided as part of my 12 days of blogmas, I would share an extended post of what I what to do with music in the future and dreams I have in the music world, that may or may not ever happen.
The first thing I know I want to do with music in the near future is to be in a choir. I know for sure that I want to be in a choir/the choir when I get into college. I would love if it is a traveling choir, but just being back in a choir will be so great! I was in the choir from the time I was in the fourth grade until freshman year, when we started homeschooling. So being in a full-time choir is something I miss greatly. I love to sing on my own and with the worship team, but there is just something extra special to me about being in a choir and the community that comes with that. 
I have been looking into getting involved in a local choir but I will save that information for later.  I will definitely make an announcement if something comes of it!
I did talk about wanting to pursue worship ministry after high school and/or after college. As of right now, I have plans to major in nursing and minor in music, after high school. If I was to ever go back and get my master's later on in life, I would probably get that in music. Currently, my plans are to just get my bachelor's but I am very curious to see what the Lord has planned for me. (I have learned that His plans are normally different than mine.)
One dream or goal that I have as well, is to learn to play the guitar. I love the sound of the guitar and how versatile it can be. It is also just something that is a great staple skill as a musician. So I am looking into that and hopefully I will be learning some of the basics from a friend soon! 

Those are my more realistic dreams, but I do have some dreams that might never happen, but are fun to think about. 
I have sang since I was very young, so began to dream about crazy music dreams haha! But, I always loved the thought of going on tour someday as a big, famous music artist! I always wanted to have my own tour bus and manager and ask people to open for my shows. 
I no longer have that as a dream really, just because the fame and fortune of Hollywood and the music industry is not something I think I would enjoy. 
Another dream I've had for a long time is to record a christmas album and a classic hymns album. I am not exactly sure where these dreams came from and why it is something I want to do so bad, but I just really love both types of music, so that's been a dream of mine for a long time.

There's something I always tell people when they ask me about worship leading and it is basically a motto for me...
"Spirit lead me.------These are the only words I ever want to rely on when leading worship. It's not about me. It's not about anyone else. It's not about how many times you're supposed to sing something. Or what the 'plan' was supposed to be. It's about being lead by Him. and only Him. It's not an emotional high, it's praise."
Praise over performance. It is something I constantly pray before I lead or before I actually have a performance. Even when I am supposed to be performing, I want it to be natural praise for me. Number one, it knocks the nerves off of performing if you are just singing praises. Number two, if God gave me the gift and the oppurtunity to sing, why would I not use it to glorify Him?

I hope you all enjoyed this post and got to know a little better! These are just a few thoughts, dreams, hopes, and goals for me!

love always,



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