12.20.18~You Need To Hear This and Know This...

Hello lovely people!!! Today I just felt like some people needed to hear this. I think someone needs encouragement and to know that someone else struggles too. I have been delaying this post as long as I could, because it is definitely not an easy one, but it's been on my heart. I think it's something that either I need to share to be encouraged or that someone else needs to be encouraged by. So here we go...

You are gorgeous. You are absolutely stunning. You are loved. You are worth more than you can even imagine. You are doing an amazing job at life. I do not care what someone told you were or weren't. You are not the numbers of your GPA, jean size, or social media followers. It really doesn't matter if you had four likes on that last selfie, or four thousand likes. Believe it or not, likes, followers, GPA, and jean sizes probably won't matter in ten years; or more importantly, when you arrive at the gates of the Kingdom.

Why am I telling you these things? Well, because these are the things I've needed to hear lately. I am the girl who struggles with her jean size or her height or leaving the house without makeup. I am 5'9. I am not a size 4. And leaving the house without any makeup, at the least mascara, is something I do not love to do. I have days where I feel like a model and some where I feel like Shrek. So yea, I get it. Even if I come across as bubbly and confident, the enemy still gets the best of me some days.
Today started off as an anxiety filled day. I was exhausted and just couldn't come to terms with releasing fear. The day got better as it went on and I enjoyed the majority of the second half of the day was fabulous.
Tonight made all the difference in the world though. I was in town and went to my younger cousin's voice, guitar, and drum recitals. They were absolutely amazing and I'm so glad we went, but my cousin Emma sang The Breakup Song by Francesca Battistelli and absolutely nailed it! But as she began to sing, I just started to cry. And not just cry, I bawled. I would have never thought I needed a nine year old to sing to me about fear and make my day better, but apparently I did. Jesus just used her as a vessel to speak to me about something I needed to hear. I'm so thankful she sang that song!

But tonight, you need to know that you are amazing! I love you to the moon and back! And if you're reading this, then I'm grateful for you and you make my world a better place. Please know that you are always welcome at my table, my circle of conversation, or my hangout. You are loved and you are valued and your worth doesn't change based on feelings or emotions or other people. Your identity is found at the foot of the cross of Jesus and you matter. He is mad about you and you have no idea! Take care tonight and rest easy knowing God's got you. Breathe in. Breathe out. Come out of an agreement with fear, worry, stress, anxiety, or anything stopping you from His abundant life for you. The enemy can't steal your eternal life, so He wants to wreck your abundant one. (-Clayton King) You are loved and cherished by so many people, my darling!

love always,



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